Thursday, April 28, 2011

3. Shanghai namely the annual I voyage extra places

1. To supply a person had their luxury home furniture, liberal afterward bookcase,beijing escort, not help for the current home before they praise our doubts of words together. My heart is the envy of Canada envy, are not complaining about quibbling, come to my sweet home Mango hospitality, palatable cold drinks without a tiny barbecued popsicles respectful,escorts toronto, really obtained nothing to their home hospitality?! So, eventually forced them behind to Hong kettle, eat a shop, place one alley in the Park officials, the savor Yes, eating is too very assist this population, roommate, pate have been rejected. Well, it does not invest a lair in a trap muddle claws lying Lanmao 1,2,3, as well as a small black parrots chattering, catching into list the small silence slumber 8,for do no understand their own in the end namely variety of a human. merely because love, reliability and unity, I'm home right look for patronize above behalf of a adjoin.
3. Shanghai namely the annual I peregrination more areas, even apt so many times, why do I all have center is not a agreeable impression?? particularly this time, suddenly base that vehicle block was nearly caught up apt Beijing, watching the taxi fare rampage, my heart is bleeding out. coupled with the cool climate is peppery and humid intolerable nausea, heat stroke and I was then approximately nearly film sickness, miserable. merely an object must confess, Shanghai, Green is doing many better than in Beijing, surrounded at red hydrangea looks beauteous, reminds me of the premier to Lijiang, a small hostel in the flower garden in the fruitful Blue Hydrangea was enchanted , and to know the blue color is difficult to query because, a BLUELOVER roses than the average ten times more expensive then. Another point have to admit, I must Temple Park Road, for per age rich Shanghai trip ambition go to the breakfast repast, the cheap does not average it's wrong, altogether seven blocks of 5 bean Lianzi Geng,shanghai escort, honey ice breast, features fried, wonton soup Sam Sun and colleagues tin make me Mei Mei a.m.. This agreeable class of almost caught up to eat cherries, and immediately a say are the Pan-Chan Chong,toronto escort!
4. movies every day, a good membrane but difficult requirements. as yet this year have not met preferred by, but fortunately the weekend with friends watched , NO NO NO, do not consider that I equitable wanted to discern idol beauty, the box office Pirates ride that series, the story exciting is understandable. This is actually a imaginary trip, dazzling shine! I have been creation of quite colossal American engineering miracle, those excellent noble sea-blue sky, Hey fun superb monster plants, the mysterious magic of the ghost warship ghost sector, this Pirates 3, favor to see momentum more stately, more vividly exciting degree! achieve this when the technical people to do?? Think of the prestigious two-dimensional Japan, South Korea get busy backward three-dimensional craft, while enjoying the movie side of the deep feeling. This is well value seeing by a large, rather at the theater!

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