Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the mortality rate for hifor as 80%

Animals brought to the human and animal disaster ,toronto escorts
the chief source of agreeable viruses mutate entire the host, the convey from animals to humans.
Malaria: Malaria is humanity's greatest killer
with the premier person diseases. As early for 2 or 3 centuries BC, the Roman writer's work has been aboard malaria has been documented. Even today, it remains an of the biggest killers of mankind. According to the World Health Organization, the world, merely showing clinical symptoms of malaria cases each year amid the 300 million m5 million, while undergoing from malaria every year The number of deaths in the 100 million m300 million. in a very long time, people calculate namely malaria is a malaria is the fleas on. in the 6th century,Peace House Primary School commemorate Earth Day, the 1st explosion of pestilence, the Byzantine Emperor Justinian the Great, the premier rule in the epoch of Egyptian or Ethiopian popup, a flash to spread to the entire world, only in Florence, Italy, approximately 10 million people have died among .1348 m1350 A aggregate of 25 million Europeans died of bubonic plague.
Anthrax: Bacillus anthracis have been controlled
is the first accustomed human history, diseases caused at bacteria, which cause infectious disease known as anthrax . The disease was first cattle, horses, sheep and other infectious diseases among animals, and later infected people are constantly in adjoin with the beasts, production it suffer from skin anthrax. This is a painless peel ulcer, but tough to cure. and intestinal , lung, blood and meninges anthracis lost either perilous condition, the patient may dead in the 2m4 days.
mankind in the 19th century, 80 years behind the invention of usages to control anthrax, and the formation of some practices, such as periodic injections to cattle anthrax vaccine other, making the anthrax threat to humans to control.
Ebola virus: The mortality rate of 80%
1976 surfaced in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This mysterious virus has seemed in Gabon, Sudan, Ivory Coast, and even the United Kingdom. Once infected with Ebola virus, the mortality rate as high as 80%, and the symptoms of terror. Ebola virus have been 10 large-scale outbreak, the first outbreak on the triumphs away the lives of 300 people. The virus has occasioned WHO attention.
AIDS: an unprecedented disease
Los Angeles, California, in October 1980 the hospital remedied a gay case .1981 5 years, these since proven apt be an unprecedented case of the ailment mmm procured immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) .1999, the German biochemist recognized 3, brutal monkeys alternatively monkeys do have a lot in the infection with the AIDS virus, merely no amplify the disease itself . was infected human will become more susceptible to numerous normally harmless microbial bombard, resulting in solemn cancer and tall mortality rates. sexually transmitted infections and blood has about 100% high morbidity. AIDS immediately bring ... to an endthe globe.
crazy cow disease: still no cure
1986 年 11 months, the British discovered the first case of mad cow disease, to May 1995 some 15 million cattle infected .1996 March 20 , the British Government first recognized the disease eating beef infected with mad cow disease may likewise died. newspaper came out, whom the world shuddered. As of now, there are at fewest 125 people international died of the disease, because no cure , the mortality rate is almost 100%.
bird flu: 4 The first bird flu (H5N5) outbreaks in the United States in 1983, this spend the government more than 6000 million and indirect economy losses were estimated by $ 349,000,000. bird migration, the avian influenza virus to the rest of the world .1997 Asian avian influenza outbreak, the virus has shook to channel people from the fowl, there have been cases of human infection and decease In 2003, variant avian influenza virus epidemic in China and other countries. Then the joint World Health Organization,toronto escorts, the Chinese government developed to surmount the general vaccine, is now promoting the use of the world.
2003 年 SARS outbreak, it was once considered as a outcome of people eating civet cats. With the increasing range of human activities is jump to infringe a number of viruses hiding location, forcing them to come to light. from the swine flu incident of this outlook, the emergence of fatal diseases, must not simply be thought from the control of biological pathogens, protecting the ecological surroundings while defending the health of human beings is fundamental. ( This story is from the Jiang Jun reporter interviewed the history of Peking University Health Science Research Center ZHANG Da-order completion)

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