Wednesday, April 27, 2011

underdeveloped region's economic

Veteran Lee books (deputy political commissar of the incipient Corps) talk, large-scale concert music accumulation organizing committee has done a lot of preparatory work, including visits to a number of representative figures Corps, seriously listen to them, hereafter work will have a better instruction and goals, so that the activities be more fleshed out, July 30, Deputy Secretary-General of the Organizing Committee and his gathering worked into the elemental corps of Lee agent political commissar of the family of Lee book.
Lee books talk Corps: Farming began in the Han in Xinjiang zone, after consecutive central administration, have implemented and attained good results. After the peaceful liberation of Xinjiang in 1949, for the better development of the economic, defend the frontiers, the CPC Central Committee judged in 1954 Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps was built. It became an important cornerstone as consolidating frontier. Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (hereinafter referred to as the Corps) was established in October 1954, namely an essential chapter of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the implementation of state intending in the nation, municipalities under the Plan a variety of economic management authorization.
Corps as the deepening of economic reform, restructuring of listed companies achieved fruitful results, there are Suntime International, Xinjiang Tianye, Xinnongkaifa, Iraqi special forces, Xin Zhongji , flowers Village, Tianfu Thermoelectric, Tianhong Paper and additional 8 companies controlled at the Corps has listed, to the economic development of the Corps has added new vitality.
the current century, along to the national economic and social development of the general requirements , combined with the actual Corps, the Corps ambition implement structural optimization, export-oriented, science and teaching and sustainable development of four strategies Corps; focus ashore reinforcing infrastructure, ecological governance, agriculture and exotic interchange functions and the construction of high-tech manufacture; will be implemented during the five outlets, Beitun, Arar, Tumushuke four metropolis planning and construction; complete Green Red the cardinal building of the edible industry) and the reclamation of urban construction. aspire after decades of unremitting hard go, the Corps into a modern farming in western China, water-saving agriculture and ecological agriculture demonstration place, so that the development of Xinjiang Corps and a citizen important force in the west.
Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, orders from the special historical conditions, shoulder massive responsibilities, no merely chance an important regional economic development in Xinjiang component, but likewise for retaining social reliability and promoting national consensus make a premonitory contribution, as important cornerstone of consolidating frontier. Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps prototype to explore the road of architecture the new China crystallization, in present-day China left a deep imprint on history.
book chat Cultivating in Lee: Lee is full of age books with their own deep feelings private experience tells us into the Xinjiang People's Liberation Army troops following the liberation of the Northwest General Wang Zhen, in feedback to the CPC Central Committee shrieked for the establishment of Production and Construction Corps, the majority of soldiers in 1 hand and elect Merino, hand pistols, defend the frontiers, frontier construction, hard work, dedication, brave and glorious history and 30 annuals of reform and beginning up to development and progress of Corps. so that we accepted a active spirit of the revolutionary tradition and the Corps re-education, and further deep knowing of what the Corps, the Corps act, the Corps will be how to do it? Lee books gay hope the majority of Merino soldiers work attach to achieve the Corps made the Sixth Party Congress: Corps inherit and carry forward the spirit of the Cultivating in and make new contributions to the occasion.
with polite feelings our veterans with the book reviews the Corps of Lee's glorious history and brilliant achievements: 1 What is the Corps: Army and Division collectively. now in the Army for the People's Liberation Army Corps tactical combat, the division as the basic tactical class. Corps, also served as a military organization. War has been compiled of Kuomintang troops have Corps, is among the cinema and the Army necklace of mandate among the ; Kuomintang militia during the Liberation War was compiled with more than twenty Corps, under the jurisdiction of a number of Army (rearranged divisions), the equivalent of Army. People's Liberation Army in the War of Liberation must be staffed with Corps,toronto asian escort, the general equivalent of Army. Liberation War 17 Corps was established. People's Republic established, been repealed Corps class organizations, the naval directly under the military.
2, Corps since its inception,What you do, not only successfully received and placed millions of jobs from bring an end to ...the ex-servicemen , advocate youth and manifold types of auto brim to Xinjiang personnel, the state plans to dispense every year of institute graduates and professionals to the Corps. these commanders into Xinjiang, the country was not only dwindle the employ pressure, enhanced our population delivery, but also to the siteline of the political, economic, cultural and social life brought magnificent changes. because remote, block, and relatively closed, backward, underdeveloped region's economic, political, cultural, and social conditions change. oasis. Corps also state assist, the new spray,toronto escort, trickle irrigation 300,000 ha, the spray, trickle irrigation, a absolute area of ​​366,700 hectares, accounting for Corps of total irrigated area of ​​1 / 3, the oasis ecological environment for improving and maintaining sustainable oasis development of basic facilities. which area of ​​high-tech water saving of 24 million hectares, to become the country's largest water-saving irrigation area. Meanwhile, the corps to pile up the correction of industrial framework, addition investment in science and technology to logical use of resources as the root, to maintain the ecological poise as a obligation for comprehensive improvement of Corps of economic and social sustainable development.
4, Merino in Chinese history, has its own development context, has its own peerless historical status and merit. Xinjiang Merino historical roots: a) Merino is closely related to the reunification of the motherland, unity absences Merino, Merino subserve citizen unity. Further, the western border to complete the great cause of reunification of China, the central government to be the cause of the Xinjiang Merino; b) Merino presence is consistent with the direction of social and historical development of Xinjiang, and to enhance social and economic development of Xinjiang; the same period. Merino has also endowed to Xinjiang and China's economic and cultural exchanges, the Han and minority nationalities in Xinjiang to combine the avails of each. In short, Merino is a help to eradicate existing between the various nationalities in Xinjiang stages of social development and economic and cultural inequality, ethnic narrations in Xinjiang so as to promote the promotion and prevalent development and progress of all ethnic teams, and further consolidate the unity of the motherland. And Deng said the Corps of man-made Corps Man United decided to launch a nationwide purpose is to let people prop and the Corps Corps offsprings with the resonance, stimulate the public on the and made it clear to partake in the activities and individually, their support;
3, please nationally known singer, music concert event to gather the works of the comps.
talk to through this, organizing committee has further strengthened the positiveness of the staff,

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