Thursday, April 28, 2011

while the cover disappeared in the sky

Investigation of two topics you are most concerned about
one: the causes for selecting interviewees
order, to deliver to the party center, concern about the I want a comprehensive understanding of all multi-faceted concern To come into contact with the word, one person said: After exposure to and understanding of the two sessions, will be the first time to tell the people what they know, so I hope to see them interview their people from the perspective of the medium to remark two topics they are most concerned about!
Secondly, I chose The two junior students, why students should choose it, because I think the more students in special social groups of a class, they do not care about cabbage is rising every day, two-child policy is open, because they are just students, purchasers, half a social person, so I would like to know what kind of relationship they really the question, furthermore, I also as a student, I want to see their own thoughts and ideas peers disagree?
again, I chose two of my kin with them by telephone of the course kin members can add to this tide, the concern for the times concerned about the politics! also two sessions related to the national economic and full of anticipation and passion.
In counting, I also interviewed two employees at the school, one is responsible for cooking in the canteen aunt, dissimilar apartment in the dorm students choose their school training deserving to the palace, whether in the instructing area, or in the apartment, and everywhere you can see a lot about the two issues and posters, I want to learn to see They have not been subtle posters fascinated to the attention to two, or that they so busy every day, in the end there is no time to care about two!
Finally, I selected two, one is a sanitation laborer, a bit is the point of the main package, I think they are the most prehistoric representative of a heap of the people, their lives at the grassroots class, every day, rushing for their engaged lives,rice and Articles of Association apt obey with the 5 lasting members, of course, is not very tall cultural level, but they are also concerned about the two sessions. say two people, one idea simply for the people, so I would favor to know the best minds of the most common question people!
Second, interviews with
1, ending of sanitation workers in front of student housing. sanitation workers, so I am most concerned about is the environmental topics in schools and suite gate every day, we see a lot of people dart anywhere, we have not stepped amenable to stop, so hope to see you amplify a good habit enthusiasm for the environment . If the up and down together in China, so that prices rise or house prices are not much to complain or make the topic.
3, Hunan Mobile Channel host, called a lot of people join in, we should suggest the relevant part of efforts to intensify sanctions against advanced legal protection, improve the social aid system, to make such a fundamental phenomenon of DU recurrence.
4, Hunan Mobile Channel Programming head, reward.
5, Grandpa, are rising, but many people do not disburse income rose into!
6, students Ai Chen two proposals, I think all participants in such activities below conditions of voluntary participation, the decree should not be resolved to make his guilt. As citizens of ownership of their bodies, he has to use at will, treatment of their bodies rights.
7, students Yue Zhang,beijing massage, Teamwork.
8, canteen auntie, We either aperture requirements are not high, will have its own little house on it. , when the reform of the healthcare system and let us mediocre people dare to go see a doctor, can furnish medicinal! *** not only to create a set of counter-effective system and mechanism, but also the consequences of a shock that ruin so that officials do not want ***, ***. There are some corrupt officials did not dare run, I think the part of the system also absences further nicety to ensure that anti-bamboo fence more and more tightly knotted.
three specific interview presentation
Gigi: What about the two sessions in the topics you are most concerned about is what
Huang Li: ah, it is what I am more concerned about is we are in micro-blog some time ago to enhance the relief on the loss of children and additional children such a case
Kiki: Why do you have so many topics you choose this topic it
Huang: ah, because I'm a fan of microblogging and then it made a lot of friends some of you look at those photos of children (children) face of a child who could not help but care about them you will help them
Qi Qi: Well, yes,guangzhou massage, ah do it now then a lot of people as a profit-making tool for children, their dignity and physical erasure but also has broken through the bottom line of a human ah, now there are a lot of people to rescue these children do you think What is a good way to save you?
Huang: I think the amount is what some of the pertinent parts of the nation can set up and then do some relevant creations to assist these kid lost their parents or parents of these children want to detect to assist their communication and adjoin and then it does through this platform can help them to understand some of the people emulated along a digit of related but too can create some incentives to say you assist one child or one parent to detect them (the lost ) long-lost relatives can be awarded whether the measures
Kiki: I listened some time ago seems apt have a one person in Taiwan has found his lost son for three years and appear to emerge namely for you are the host ( Now it seems ..) have to do this microblogging anti-trafficking in particular namely I ambition to ask is when these children salvaged after the nestle of their follow-up questions that how do you have any agreeable minds?
Huang: I think it first of course we still must strengthen the juvenile sense of self-protection and self-consciousness and then save the (amount.) relevant parts of the country do have to set up some protection agencies, of course it (the amount.) because they are still minors Well So So studying is needful (ah) to embark on the educate into the schoolroom I think their future is more obliging
Kiki: The cardinal is to make all of our society can twisted into a pneumatic Then there is the amount of rope Yeah I would like to ask you is now a subject of great controversy shifted to the (is) against the draft of such a child begging children begging on the Prohibition of what you think of it
Huang: the amount of .. what is it from me personally, I feel very sympathetic to my children out of begging and helpless because this is also a means of survival is begging it said one of their current way of life that most of these children have not received Education and the minors are to survive they can not obtain a power bar that is not able to detach good to solicit to feed themselves, but it is better to allow them to live in this society I think it can be said out of frustration should be compassionate (laughter ..)
Kiki: Well, ah now there are many good members do on behalf of the proposed anti-trafficking traffickers microblogging maximum penalty is decease you think you are coincide with this you?
Huang Li: I believe that if I as a parent, then that is to say if my child was abducted, but I very much patronize it as part of the community do I think that people should be re-run but in the end the degree of punishment is What does that under the circumstances to be with people this is still to be argued (laughter ..)
Kiki: ah now there are many celebrities can say that cilia seems to be meek ah show love has become a hype elements and in the community but also sparked a layer (wafer) floating in the air force then you have added to this micro-Bo were to do anti-trafficking movement?
Huang: places .. I have joined to the Then I would see pictures of those ah share with you what I think microblogging is a just a small air force (of) course, I also pray to the weeklies is the relevant part of ah ah broadcasters are competent to participate in the rescue (is) being trafficked children within such sectors so that they can better find their loved ones it
Kiki: Well on the air force did microblogging or puny merely if we join hands to fight together against efforts to mushroom the Re-run together to such murderers .. (ah.) microblogging our anti-trafficking operations that it will be successful!
Huang: Yes, yes yes yes
Kiki: Yes good thanks You
Kiki: Oh, Hello! to ask the two sessions in this, you are most concerned about one question what is it?
interviewee: Many members cried for the opening two sessions above the intended Second child of such a policy I think it is extra concerned about.
Kiki: quantity. Why are so numerous issues in a topic you have selected it?
interviewee: Now in the Chinese family that is the circumstance, A child of two parents, four grandparents and then aging the emergence of this position to occur on many topics, including the gender imbalance between men and women and left men and women left ah increase. This is why I think that the birth rate and such a suggestion is such for more appropriate for our country, such a location it current.
Kiki: places. Because of this, have you thought about when opening a two-child policy after what our country will have a lot of questions have come. For example, urbanization, unemployment ah ah ah environmental resources, and so these topics do?
Interviewee: But I thought the two-child policy can be to implement. For example: (the amount of ..) the implementation of our urban and rustic districts Yes, yes. I think after the promulgation of such a policy, it will be productive, we intend to take the country a sustainable development. .. So the amount, and I would like to ask you, (which is now ah) before ah, we have administration is to take some punitive measures. For example: a second child three children how many we have to nice, (ah). but you now feel that there is not better way to solve these things do?
Interviewee: I do not calculate punishment We tin reward right?
Kiki: What kind of a reward and then do?
interviewee: ah. the kind of family we are not fruitful, high security intentions, the purposes of birth to a girl's family mediator, give birth to a implementation of the boy's family is the basic insurance or subsistence rations. This, I think it is a better way.
Kiki: ah, that is, change the discipline is awarded. places. Well, then, under such a policy, I I believe that together we gave birth to it in the plan can save a lot of money. then you have any good suggestions that we can put this piece by the consumption which would be better at it?
interviewees: for instance, We dropped into the (amount of .. old) aging population work, and then to improve this appearance of life, then you can also take advising from Japan's experience of these countries and then progress with the life of the population the right to advance the retirement old and eradicate labor ah population, one third of early retirement and retirees in the implementation of such a usage of re-employment.
Kiki: Mmm, good good. Thank you!
4 interviews concluded the interview
I had large emotion, benefit. so I deeply feel the power of the state party and the government's distinctive magnetism, and the hearts of hundreds of millions of people allied!
event end of the piece, finishing thoughts, at first, I think two What does it average for us in the end? This seems to be a very simple issue. but constantly the more simple questions, the more difficult for a simple non-answer. expectations and concerns of two, year after year, every winter to the spring season, are the most important Table Dash would like to see ,***,toronto escort, see people react to sound, people, knowledge, and strength in the two sessions on the stage to , to participate in national development, to the grand relation.
Second, the Communist Party Congress report solemnly written into the two is undoubtedly the most institutionalized participation platform. an ideal society should grant all social strata and groups to equal participation in public affairs. One of the major role of the ***, is to allow the public to attain participation by representatives of members. In This machinery, though not everybody went to the site, but they can still make their voices heard, and then reach a balanced compel, then tone. we are just students, not to the right of the people we have collected to mail most concerned about on the work, then the members of each location if the exercise of their duties, to hear to the hearts of every people to truly let the people discipline their Today, the fast development in the community does immediately, and I feel everyone's thoughts are in progress, I have thought about before the interview, maybe when I say What more does not say that the most fussy publish, but the last result is that I did not think of, each to be interviewed said the contrive of things, well systematized, he can acquaint why he was concerned about this, what he thought about what his suggestions ! he would like to watch what variety of problem cases. and this time we are generally concerned about the security of housing, merged into the delivery, amount reliability, to penalize the public with *** and so these people's sustenance and employment questions, the common people each of them times are concerned about fashionable concern, not ears do not hear out of the window, indifferent to the interests of their own, they know how to exercise their rights, assured to do or sanitation workers or loved ones approximately us, they each are part of society in efforts to exercise their responsibilities and rights, but also know how to protect their legitimate rights and interests, I believe it is to each of us wish to watch the!
five, I am most concerned approximately 2 topics by this time two surveys, there are many interesting topics, every topic is of amuse and care us, yet in many of the topics I am most concerned approximately the environment Protection of Title
Why do I choose this topic, from the recent earthquake in Yunnan Yingjiang to the maximum recent tsunami and earthquakes in Japan, every disaster is affecting the people, time and time another that natural disasters are signs we have to love ecology, defend Natural!
when the ventilation we exhale the taste of full tumult, when the cover faded in the sky, green land, environmental protection has convert a global peppery topic of general concern. in the United States, ranking second in the globe have been. but we usually equitable short of a bulb, 1.3 billion people in the joint efforts of saving stamina, reducing entire carbon emissions will be astronomical. If I can be in the Government support, to empower more people to live a life of low carbon avails, that the future, perhaps we will become a greeting to meet: Today you are a low-carbon yet? it is not laborious to recycle, weekdays, alternate off car dilute conveyance exhaust. buy of energy-saving hybrid cars, if each person hh can begin from the hand, from the start cerebral, environmental protection is very uncomplicated. , against tomorrow's things, but are not conscious of hh peruse one treatise about the Brazilian to save the dwindling forests, protection of ecological equilibrium, the provisions of civilian marriage, divorce,beijing escort, purchasing a fashionable car and current housing should be the premier category tree, ahead the relevant programs. I think their intention is to make citizens understand that we were requested to nature ought also be given to the suitable return on the Earth.
rapid economic development, increasingly wealthy matter today, hope to see that we can focus on protection of the environment in terms of ideology, no amount of money can not buy the sun, air and water. So I appealed to all to protect the environment, protect the earth and protect our only pod D

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