Saturday, April 23, 2011

the conservation of the Earth 's Clean April 22

Clean Up the World Earth Day
September 14 each annual namely the Capacity has been increasingly unbearable oppression. In array to reserve the earth wash and agreeable home , we ought begin , do no discard debris , decrease stamina pollution, the preservation of the Earth 's Clean April 22, 1990 , extra than 140 nigh the globe Countries , 2 billion people around the same time held a kind of promotional activities, the theme is how apt amend the overall global context. The event brought people to more clearly recognized for the global manufacture continues to develop, the dispose of the ozone wafer , And the resulting changes in universal weather anomalies , is appropriate a direct threat to the global problem of person subsistence . The activities of the United Nations agreement , behind which the 22 April each year was identified as the .

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